New to the site? Here is a collection of the best articles the blog has to offer, as well as the other resources available on
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Table of Contents
Purpose and Passion
How I Found My Life Purpose: My 10-Year Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth – This piece chronicles every stage I went through as I went on a 10-year journey of self-discovery and found my purpose in life. If you want to find and follow your purpose, it will inspire you as you navigate your own journey.
How to Find Your Calling in 5 Simple Steps – A calling is something you feel you were born to do in life, but how do you find it? This article gives you five simple steps to figure out what you were born to do in life.
How to Find Meaning in Life (3 Ways) – Finding meaning in life is simpler than we think. Most of the time, it’s standing right in front of us. Here are three simple yet powerful ways to find meaning in life.
111 Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose – The fastest and most direct process I’ve come across to clarify your purpose is asking yourself the right questions and writing down your answers. Here are over 100 of the best questions to help you find your purpose in life.
The 5 Stages of Purpose (And How to Navigate Them) – What stages does a person typically go through on a purpose journey? And how do you navigate each stage? This article helps you understand where you are in your journey, exactly how to make progress, and what to expect in the next stages of your path.
The 5 Core Layers of Purpose (And How to Find Them) – These are the five layers of purpose I recommend everyone start with. They are your higher purpose, passion, calling, mission, and ikigai. This article teaches you each layer and how to identify them for yourself.
How to Heal Your Relationship With Work – Stuck in a toxic work environment? Never done work that makes you happy? Do you despise work in general? Then this article is for you. It will help you heal your relationship with work and transform it into a positive, energizing, and fulfilling part of your life experience.
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Personal Development
The No BS Guide to Improving Your Life – The ultimate guide to improving your life. No fluff. No BS. This is the core knowledge that will help you go from not being happy with yourself and your life to being fully confident, satisfied, and fulfilled with who you are and where your life is going.
How to Listen to Your Heart, Learn Its Language, and Uncover Your Inner Truth – Our hearts are the center of our being. If we can learn to listen to them, we can uncover our inner truth and use it to live happier and more fulfilling lives. This article teaches you how to listen to your heart, learn its language, and uncover your inner truth using what I call The Three T’s (Tranquility, Truth, and Trust).
The Tree of Thought: A Theory of Thinking Habits and How to Change Them – Can we change our thoughts? If so, what could this do for our lives? The Tree of Thought is a simple concept to help you understand where your thinking habits come from and how to change them to better your life. Use it to help you reprogram your subconscious conditioning, change your dominant thought patterns, and improve your life.
The Action Formula: Why People Do (or Don’t) Act on Their Goals, Dreams, and Desires – The Action Formula describes why people act or don’t act on their goals, dreams, or desires. This article teaches you exactly what each part of the formula is and how to use it to take more action on your biggest goals and dreams.
The 4 Levels of Dreamers – Not all dreamers are created equal. In fact, I’ve identified four levels of dreamers, each with their own perspectives and ways of thinking. Use this article to identify which level you’re at and how to dream bigger and better dreams for your life.
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How to Be a Life-Changing Force: 10 Tips to Change the World – A life-changing force is someone who over-indexes on the positive impact they make on people’s lives. If you want to make a positive impact on people’s lives, this article teaches you how to become a life-changing force and make your mark on the world.
The Crucial First Step To Getting Whatever You Want In Life – Getting what you want in life begins with a single step, a crucial step. This article teaches what that step is and gives you specific instructions to take it.
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Inspiration and Motivation
Don’t Be Realistic – How many goals and dreams have been shot down before they even had a chance to become something because of this idea of being “realistic”? This article inspires you to let go of feeling like you need to be realistic all the time and replace it with something more empowering. Read this to get inspired to go after what you want in life.
When Is The Best Time to Quit Your Job to Follow Your Passion? – Do you want to quit your job to follow your passion but don’t know how or when? Here are specific steps to determine the best time to quit your job, minimize stress, and maximize the odds of successfully transitioning to following your passion.
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101 Short, Simple, and Practical Tips for More Happiness – Over the years, I’ve contemplated and collected hundreds of insights about happiness. This article is a collection of 101 of the best insights to create more happiness in your life.
→ Read all Happiness articles
21 Pieces of Timeless Marriage Advice (From 34 Years of Marriage) – I interviewed my parents to get their advice after 34 years of marriage. They share timeless wisdom that can help all couples achieve more harmony and happiness in their relationship over the long term.
→ Read all Relationships articles
Meditations and Affirmations
Find Your Life Purpose Guided Meditation (Tune Into Your Purpose) – A guided meditation to help you tune in and connect to your purpose in life. This meditation helps you align your energy with the awareness of what your purpose is.
35 Life Purpose Affirmations to Manifest Your Purpose – Listening to these affirmations will help you align your thoughts with the purpose, direction, and clarity you may be seeking. They will also help you get into a state of positive expectation regarding finding your purpose. This will help you notice and attract opportunities to live more in alignment with who you are and what you want in life.
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Free Downloads
Self-Discovery Workbook – This free workbook helps you get in touch with who you are on a deeper level, discover what you truly want in life, learn things about yourself you never could have imagined before, and take action toward your ideal future.
Finding Your Ikigai Worksheet – This free worksheet teaches you the simple Japanese secret to a long and happy life. It helps you discover your ikigai and apply it to your life to add a whole new layer of meaning to your life experience.
All Downloads – All the downloads available on to help you supercharge your personal development, find your life purpose, and set clear goals you will actually accomplish.
The Karpfucius Says Podcast – The show that helps you achieve your dreams. Michael Karp discusses personal growth, spiritual growth, life purpose, goal/dream-achieving, consciousness, business, travel, health, balance, and just about everything related to living a more purposeful and empowered life. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, and all major podcast streaming platforms.
The Purpose Discovery System: A Step-by-Step Method For Finding Your Life’s Purpose and Following It – Want to find your life purpose, define it with clarity, and make a plan to follow it? The Purpose Discovery System walks you through the exact same 5-step process I used to find my life purpose, even if you are totally lost right now and have no clue what to do with your life. The system is designed to help you figure out who you really are, what you really want, and what your purpose is, laid out in an easy-to-understand step-by-step process.
Training Courses
The Find Your Life Purpose Course – Stop wasting your life away doing work you hate that drains the life out of you. Instead, learn how to find your purpose, follow your passion, pursue your true calling, and escape soul-sucking work without bouncing around aimlessly, wasting time in stressful soul-sucking work, or spending year after year trading your time for money. With over 100 lessons, 14 hours of video training, and a private student community, The Find Your Life Course helps you create a life you love in all ways.