Aren’t you tired of all the BS out there?
We’re inundated with information that either doesn’t matter or doesn’t help us:
“These celebrities just got a divorce!”
“This country just went to war for the fifteenth time this century!”
“A new study shows peanut butter can give you cancer! Or is it the sun? Your phone? Your annoying neighbor who won’t shut up?!”
So I’ve decided to help you cut through all the noise and give you the information that matters and will help you improve your life.
This is some of the core knowledge that has greatly impacted my life and helped many others.
It’s the foundation for going from not being happy with yourself and your life to being fully confident, satisfied, and fulfilled with who you are and where you’re going.
By the time you’re done reading, you will learn:
- The simplest secret to improving your life.
- How to dramatically improve your life experience.
- Where purpose comes from.
- A hack to improve every area of your life (without having to work on every area).
- The true source of personal power and how to control your destiny.
- How to develop inner strength and eliminate negativity.
- The fastest path to getting what you want in life.
- And how to purify your mind to achieve inner peace.
Welcome to the no-BS guide to improving your life your annoying neighbor would never read no matter how desperately you’d love to shove it down their throat.

Table of Contents
The Simplest Secret to Improving Your Life (The Foundation)
The simplest secret to improving your life is this:
Improving your life is about improving yourself.
Trying to improve your life without improving yourself is like trying to make noodle soup without noodles. You’re missing the main ingredient!
You are the common denominator in your life. Your life cannot improve without improving yourself, and your life must improve if you improve yourself.
If you improve yourself, your life will too because you are the main ingredient. You are the source. You are the center.
Many factors may come and go in your life – people, places, work, etc – but the one thing that’s always present in your life is you. You carry yourself with you everywhere you go.
As you elevate yourself, your life must too because you will approach everything in your life with new thoughts, feelings, energy, and actions that will transform how life responds to you.
I first noticed this phenomenon in college at the beginning of my personal development journey (almost 14 years ago).
I started consciously working on myself during my sophomore year. Before the end of the first semester, the way everyone treated me had changed.
People saw me in a brighter light. I started receiving more respect. Girls were more attracted to me. People started coming to me for life advice (friends and random people at parties).
I went from being insecure, socially anxious, and easily dominated by stronger personalities to being a truly confident and empowered person.
The people around me hadn’t changed. It was me who changed. Because I changed, my life started to shift.
People have no clue how much power they have over their lives.
They confuse “power” with the ability to manipulate and force others to do their bidding, but that’s nothing more than a facade. It’s fake. It’s the type of “power” you see people trying to exercise around the world, but it’s not true power.
True power is realizing that you can change how the outer world treats you when you start changing your inner world.
As you develop yourself as a person, your whole world will begin to transform. As you continue, your life will continue to rise up as a result.
Because, once again, you are the main ingredient in your life. You are the noodles in the noodle soup. You are the center. You are the source.
Dedicate yourself to consistently working on yourself and, by proxy, your life will get better as you become a more empowered person in your own skin.
Do This To Dramatically Improve Your Life Experience
Once you start working on yourself consistently, which can mean many things (working on your health, career, confidence, social life, relationships, spiritual growth, etc), it’s crucial to take this next step…
This next step will energize you for years to come. It will focus your life, help you eliminate negative habits, and give you purpose and direction.
To dramatically improve your life experience, create a clear vision of the future that excites you.
Not just a vision of what you want, but a vision of who you want to become because, as I stated in the previous section, you are the common denominator in your life.
Our lives unfold not just based on what we want, wish, or intend to experience. Our lives unfold based on who we are in each moment, day, month, and year.
By having a vision of what you want your life to be like and who you want to become, you will tap into a new source of power, energy, and vitality within you.
Suddenly, everything you do in your life will have a purpose. Everything you do will start leading you to fulfill that vision.
A vision is not a goal. I repeat, a vision is NOT a goal.
Compared to a vision, goals are weak-willed, easily thrown aside, forgotten, or postponed. Goals are singular, difficult to imagine consistently, and carry little energy behind them compared to a holistic vision for your life.
No…a vision is much more powerful than that.
A vision is like a stream of light that shines forth from your mind and heart, piercing its way through time and space into your future self.
A vision goes ahead of you in time, like a spiritual guide, and helps align the necessary people, places, circumstances, and things to make your vision a reality.
If you commit to your vision, your vision will commit to you.
It will have its own energy and power. It will pull you toward it as you continue to invest yourself in its fulfillment. In a short time, your vision will have a life of its own.
As you continue down the path your vision has laid out for you, trust that everything will unfold at the right time and in the right way for your personal and spiritual advancement, no matter what happens along the way.
The Universe loves a person with a vision because a vision calls forth creative energy for a meaningful purpose.
Trust that everything happens for a reason (a good reason), keep working toward it, and your vision will unfold when the time is right.
Here are three questions to help you create your vision:
- What do you want to experience 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years from now?
- Who do you want to become 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years from now?
- What actions do you need to take now to start aligning with this future vision?
Related: What To Do If You Feel Lost In Life
Where Purpose Comes From (And The Power of Doing Things That Matter to You)
I created an entire course on how to find your life purpose with over 100 lessons, workbooks, and 14 hours of video content.
But if I had to put it all into one simple sentence, it would be this:
Purpose comes from doing things that matter to you and that you enjoy.
If it matters to you and you enjoy it, it’s going to feel deeply purposeful to you.
One of the reasons most people don’t feel a lot of purpose in their work, especially, is because they don’t care about it, it doesn’t matter to them, and they don’t enjoy it. They’re just trading their time for money, which never feels purposeful.
This holds true outside of work as well.
If you don’t do things that matter to you, you don’t care about most of what you do with your life, and you don’t give yourself permission to do the things you enjoy (or to find more of them), your life will probably feel bland, boring, and shallow.
On the flip side, if your life is full of things that matter to you and you enjoy, you will feel fulfilled and satisfied.
Doing things that matter to you and that you enjoy also focuses your energy positively and constructively.
There’s so much more reason to take care of your health and well-being when it makes it possible to do more of what matters to you and what you enjoy.
There’s so much more reason to improve yourself when it makes you better at doing what matters to you and what you enjoy.
There’s so much more reason to let go of negative habits when it allows you to do more of what matters to you and what you enjoy.
This sense of purpose focuses your energy and your life.
Related: 111 Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Get clear on the things that matter most to you in life and the things you enjoy most. Then give yourself permission to invest in them and do them.
This simple shift will uplift every area of your life.
Speaking of every area of your life…
All Areas of Your Life Are Connected (And a Hack to Improve Every Area)
Our lives can be broken up into at least a dozen areas:
- Health and Fitness
- Dating and Relationships
- Family Life
- Spiritual Life
- Social Life
- Recreation and Leisure
- Travel and Adventure
- Personal Growth
- Intellectual Life
- Emotional Life
- Finances
- Work/Career
While these areas are unique and different, they’re also connected. Here’s why this is important:
What happens in one area of your life will affect the rest.
Your health and fitness impact your dating and relationships. Your finances impact your emotional life. Your family life impacts your career. Your career impacts your social life. And so on.
Each area is different, but it’s not separated from the rest. Your life is an ecosystem, much like an ecosystem in nature.
Every part of a natural ecosystem affects the rest. Changing one part of an ecosystem has a systemic effect on the other parts of the ecosystem. We see this in nature all the time, and a person’s life is no different.
A positive effect on one part of the ecosystem will have a positive effect on the rest, and a negative effect on one part of the ecosystem will have a negative effect on the rest.
The degree of impact depends on how much each part relies on another for its well-being and harmony.
When it comes to a person’s life, your career may be more connected to your financial life than your recreation and leisure. And your recreation and leisure may be more connected to your social life than your personal growth.
Meaning, an impact on your career will probably have a bigger effect on your financial life than your recreation and leisure. And an impact on your recreation and leisure will probably have a bigger effect on your social life than your personal growth.
Here’s the point of all this:
You don’t need to work on every area of your life to improve every area. Improving just one area of your life will improve the rest.
You only need to work on one area to lift up your entire life. Remember, every area is connected.
If you improve your emotional life, it will have a positive effect on your social life, your dating and relationships, your family life, your health and fitness, your spiritual life, your work/career, and so on.
Again, the degree of impact on each area will depend on how connected they are to your emotional life, but each will improve to some degree.
One of the simplest life hacks is to choose one area of your life that matters most to you right now and dive into improving it, knowing that improving it will improve the other areas of your life as well.
This eliminates the overwhelm of feeling like you’ve got to work on your entire life to make it better, and it allows you to focus on one area at a time to make consistent progress.
Which area of life matters most to you right now? Decide what it is, decide how you want that area of your life to look, and start working on it.
Your entire life will improve as a result.
The Source of Personal Power and Controlling Your Destiny
So far, you know that improving your life is about improving yourself, and that as you develop yourself as a person, your whole world will begin to transform.
You’ve also got a clear vision of the future that excites you, which is many times more powerful than a goal and can fuel you for years to come.
You’re also giving yourself permission to do what matters to you and what you enjoy, and you’re hacking your life improvement by focusing on just one area at a time to uplift the rest.
Now it’s time to learn where personal power truly comes from and how to control your destiny.
What I’m about to share with you is one of the biggest shifts I’ve ever made in my life. It changed everything about how I approached my life and my overall happiness.
When things don’t go a person’s way, what do most people do?
Whether it’s big or small, most people blame others. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Getting stuck in traffic is the government’s fault for not expanding the highways. Not getting promoted is the company’s fault for playing favorites. Being bad with money is school’s fault for not teaching personal finance.
Stress is the news media’s fault for promoting negative stories all the time. Bad relationship after bad relationship is your parent’s fault for getting divorced when you were a kid. Low self-esteem is pop culture’s fault for overvaluing shallow status metrics.
People tend to place the responsibility for the negative events in their lives on other people. They blame others and rarely take responsibility for what happens in their lives.
Here’s what happens when you do this:
Whenever you blame someone else for an event in your life, what you’re saying is, “You have power over my life. You have control over me.”
No matter who you’re blaming – whether it’s the government, school, your partner, your company, your parents, the media, pop culture, or anyone or anything else – you’re saying that they have power over your life and they control you.
It doesn’t matter whether the event was actually their fault or not. You may be right! It may be totally their fault!
But it doesn’t matter because as soon as you blame them, as soon as you put the responsibility on them for what happened, you give them power over you.
If you continue to do this, you create a negative habit of giving more people power over you in the future. You become yet another whiny complainer blaming everyone else for everything.
All this does is keep you right where you are in life, complaining and blaming others while never taking your life into your own hands.
If you want to take your life into your own hands and control your destiny, this habit of blaming others has to be eliminated.
You must start taking 100% responsibility for the events that occur in your life, whether they’re your “fault” or not.
Not because other people aren’t sometimes to blame. Not because everything is your fault. But because this gives you the power to do something about the situation.
It also reminds you there’s always something you could have done differently to potentially avoid the situation in the first place, and it helps you learn how you could put yourself in a better position in the future.
Here’s an example:
Maybe you’re bad with money right now and you’re blaming school and your parents for never teaching you personal finance, but what if you were to take 100% responsibility for this and stop blaming them?
How could you have taken matters into your own hands in the past? And how could you take matters into your own hands now?
Well, you could’ve picked up a finance book and read it any time you were in school. You could have researched personal finance yourself. You could have taken a course, subscribed to a personal finance blog, gone to a workshop, or looked up some videos on YouTube. You could have just taught yourself!
But you didn’t, and that’s okay. You didn’t have the awareness back then that this was important, but you have the awareness now. You have the power to do something about it now.
To take matters into your own hands now, instead of continuing to blame others, you can teach yourself personal finance now and do everything mentioned above. Simple as that.
Stop complaining. Stop blaming others. This alone will improve your life dramatically.
Then take matters into your own hands. Take 100% responsibility.
What can you do to take back power over your life? No matter what happened in the past or what’s happening right now, what can you do to control your own destiny?
Decide what it is and do it!
The more you take responsibility for how your life unfolds, the more you will control how it unfolds. You will get in the habit of determining your own destiny in life, not having it determined for you.
The truth is that you are always determining your own destiny. You are always in control. You always have the power.
Taking 100% responsibility is just the mindset and attitude that helps you tap into it.
How to Develop Inner Strength and Eliminate Negativity
Over the last five years, I’ve faced and overcome some of my biggest challenges ever.
Never have I had to dig so deep within myself to find so much inner strength for such a long period.
I will tell the full story sometime in the future, but I’ve been on a journey to heal my body and it has been the most challenging journey I’ve experienced so far.
It’s also been one of the most empowering journeys I’ve been on because it has forced me to find power and strength within myself I never knew I had before.
(If you’ve ever wondered what benefits you can gain from your greatest struggles, this is one of them.)
One of the things I learned through this experience is that inner strength begins in the mind. It begins with your perspective.
It does not begin with what’s happening. It begins with what you are thinking about what’s happening.
I could not have made it through this journey if I hadn’t corrected my attitude and started thinking different thoughts about what was happening.
By first changing my thinking, my energy shifted, my actions started to change, and I started to find solutions to the problem I was facing.
There is no such thing as an empowering negative attitude.
If your attitude is negative, no matter the situation, you are disempowering yourself.
Positive thinking has gotten a bad rap over the years. People see it as cliché advice promoted by an overly positive and idealistic self-help industry that isn’t practical or helpful.
I told you this was the no-BS guide to improving your life, and anyone who says positive thinking is BS is spewing BS themselves.
You cannot have inner strength without positivity. Positivity, in the face of a situation that most people would be crushed by, is inner strength.
People who talk down positivity tend to be pessimistic (go figure), they probably struggle to be positive so they default to the negative, or they’re being purposefully polarizing to get attention.
Which is okay. Everyone’s entitled to their perspective based on their experience.
But what I care about is the truth! And the truth I’ve discovered as I’ve navigated my most difficult challenges is that you simply cannot be strong without positivity.
Remaining in a negative, pessimistic, fearful, and worried state will keep you weak and powerless. Shifting to a positive state of strength, empowerment, confidence, trust, and determination will begin momentum in the right direction.
When I talk about positivity versus negativity, I literally mean the energetic state you are in as a result of what you’re thinking and feeling.
If you’re thinking positive thoughts but still feeling predominantly negative and disempowered, then it’s not going to have the desired effect. Your state of being must change for you to see positive changes in your experience.
How do you develop inner strength and eliminate negativity? How do you change your state of being into a predominantly positive one?
The first and most obvious step is to eliminate the primary sources of negativity in your life. This will immediately put you into a more positive state of being, giving you more inner strength to pull from.
Remove these sources of negativity completely from your life or minimize your contact with them. They could be:
- The news.
- Coworkers.
- A toxic or overly stressful work environment.
- Social media accounts you follow.
- Toxic friendships.
- A toxic romantic relationship.
- Family members who consistently create problems with you.
- Unhealthy food and drinks.
- Overindulging in drugs, alcohol, food, gaming, binge-watching, social media scrolling, gambling, or anything else that can turn into an unhealthy habit (even overdoing positive things can become negative habits).
Some may be easier for you to remove or minimize than others. Start by writing down the sources of negativity in your life. Then identify the easiest for you to remove or minimize. Then do it. Take it one source at a time.
As you do this, you’ll start feeling better and better, and it will get easier to remove other sources until they’re practically nonexistent in your life.
As you remove a source, it may create a temporary empty space in your life. This space is like a vacuum. If you don’t consciously replace it with something, it will pull in something else by itself. It might just pull in another source of negativity.
So each time you remove a source of negativity, replace it with a new source of positivity – something that will lift your spirit. Fill the space consciously.
Next, you’ve got to tap into that positive energy – your positive state of being. This requires resilience and determination.
You’ve got to have staying power. Fortitude.
This comes from having a willingness to tackle the challenge in front of you and doing everything in your power to overcome it, no matter how long it takes. You also want to couple it with a clear vision of where you want to be once you’ve overcome it.
At the beginning of my healing journey, one of the first things I did was create a clear vision of the perfect health I intended to experience. I created a vision, not a goal. Remember, goals can be weak! Visions are strong and powerful!
I created a vision of the health I was going to achieve. No maybe’s, might’s, or wishes. I said I was going to achieve this!
I didn’t set a goal to just overcome the challenge I was facing. That would have kept me focused on the challenge. It would have kept my mind focused on the negative.
I created an incredibly positive and exciting vision. This gave me energy! This gave me resilience! This gave me determination! And still does! Because it’s a positive focus.
A positive focus gives you the strength to move forward and conquer whatever’s in front of you. Negative focuses keep you within the energy of the challenge itself.
The goal is to shift your energy away from the challenge itself and onto the vision you intend to experience.
By removing the primary sources of negativity in your life and shifting your focus to the vision of what you want to experience, you will tap into your inner strength and determination.
With this power at your disposal, there’s nothing you won’t be able to overcome or achieve in your life.
Related: The Tree of Thought: A Theory of Thinking Habits and How to Change Them
The Fastest Path to Get What You Want In Life (No BS)
To “do” and “have,” we must “be.”
Most people have this formula backward. They think that once they “have,” they will “do.” Then once they are “doing,” they will “be.”
Here’s what I mean:
They think that once they have the love of their life, they will do awesome things with them and live a wonderful life together, and then they will be happy.
They think that once they have a lot of money, they will do everything they’ve always wanted to do, and then they will be happy.
They think that once they have the body they want, they will do the things they haven’t had the self-confidence to do, and then they will be happy.
It’s natural to think this way. Most people’s mindset is that once they have the things in life they want, they will be happy. That’s why they want them in the first place.
But that isn’t how we get the things we want. It’s only an indicator of our desires, not a formula for bringing them into our lives.
What most people don’t realize is that “being” leads to “doing” which leads to “having.” And “having” leads to more “being” which leads to more “doing” and which leads to more “having.”
Being happy leads to doing the things in life that make you happy, which leads to having the love of your life enter your life, which leads to being happy still or being happier, which leads to doing more happy things, which leads to having more happy people, places, and experiences come into your life and creates a wonderful life together.
Being someone who is programmed to become financially successful leads to doing the things in life that lead to financial success, which leads to having an abundance of money to do all the things in life you want to do.
Being someone who takes care of their health and well-being leads to doing the things that help you create the body you want, which leads to having the body you want and the confidence and self-esteem that come with it.
These are just examples. You can interchange the specifics, but the formula is the same for any desire we have in life:
It’s Be ➡ Do ➡ Have.
(Not Have ➡ Do ➡ Be.)
To learn how to do and have, we must learn how to be.
We must first learn how to become who we want to be within our minds and hearts, which leads to doing and having what we want to do and have, which then leads to more being, doing, and having and creates a positive momentum cycle.
You have to kick off the cycle. You have to start the momentum. The momentum begins with being.
We want the things we want in life because we believe they will make us happier when we have them. As long as these desires come more from your heart than your ego, this is true.
Ego-driven desires only lead to short-lived happiness increases. Heartfelt desires lead to much longer-term increases in happiness and overall life satisfaction.
So the first step is to separate your ego-driven desires from your heartfelt ones and focus on the heartfelt ones. They’re the ones that matter most when it comes to your genuine, long-term happiness.
After this, to start being in order to do and then have what you want in your life, all you need to do is start being happy first before you have the thing or things you want.
Read that again.
The happier you are before the things you want come into your life, the faster you’ll experience them. The more content, satisfied, and fulfilled you are now, the faster you’ll experience the things that will make you feel more content, satisfied, and fulfilled.
Why is this? Shouldn’t it be the other way around, like most of us think? Shouldn’t we have, then do, then be?
This may seem logical to us, but it isn’t how the universe operates. When I learned this, it completely changed how I saw happiness and what I needed to do to experience my desires:
Birds of a feather flock together. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Like attracts like.
When you’re unhappy, your energy is out of alignment with the things that make you happy. When you get happy, you align your energy with the things that make you happy, and they can come into your life much more easily.
Being a mopey sadsack isn’t going to help you attract the love of your life. Your energy is too out of alignment with it.
Happiness wants to be around more happiness. Unhappiness ends up being around other unhappiness. It’s just energy.
Opposites only attract on the surface. Beneath the surface, they are actually alike and perfectly complement each other.
A happy person is very unlikely to want to be with an unhappy one, no matter how much they like who they are as a person. Those energies are just too far out of alignment with each other.
If you want to be with a happy person who will make you happy, then you’ve got to get happy yourself. If having the body of your dreams will make you happy, then get happy now and your body will respond positively to your inner joy.
Whatever it is you want in life, become the complement to it within yourself and you will start to experience it from the inside out.
It doesn’t matter what you want in life, start with being. Then you will naturally do and have whatever it is you want in life.
The “catch-all” when it comes to being is to just be happy now. Enjoy your life now. It will put you into alignment with everything else you desire in all areas of your life.
Happiness attracts happiness. Love attracts love. Joy attracts joy. Mopeyness attracts mopeyness.
Be the energy you want to attract into your life.
Be who you want to be now in your heart and mind and you will align your energy and actions with experiencing your heart’s desires.
This is perhaps the most impactful life hack you could ever learn.
Related: 101 Short, Simple, and Practical Tips for More Happiness
How to Purify Your Mind in The Modern Era (And Achieve Instant Inner Peace)
At this point, if you’re applying what you’ve learned so far, you’re already:
- Improving yourself to improve your life.
- Working toward a powerful vision that excites you.
- Finding purpose by doing things that matter to you and that you enjoy.
- Focusing on one area of your life at a time to uplift the rest.
- Eliminating blaming and complaining and taking 100% responsibility for your life so you can control your destiny.
- Eliminating or minimizing the sources of negativity in your life and shifting to a positive state of being.
- And focusing on being happy now so you can bring your heart’s desires into your life (Be ➡ Do ➡ Have).
Without a doubt, you’re well on your way to mastering your life.
But you must have one more tool in your toolbox that you can use any time, especially in our increasingly complex world.
What I’m about to share with you will help you purify your mind in the modern era (and achieve inner peace).
Long gone are the days when the only things we were aware of were the things happening in our local village. We live in the information age now! And we are so freaking informed…
We know every damn thing going on in the world and in people’s lives. Knowledge is available at the tips of our thumbs. We know important things and stupid things we never needed to know.
We’re bombarded with memes, ads, gossip, rumors, breaking headlines, wars, natural disasters, you name it – all trying their best to get your valuable attention from the comfort of your couch and smartphone.
Just a few generations before us, they never could have imagined all of the things we’re aware of now. Things have changed quickly.
The nature of the information age is that most of us are aware of pretty much every major news story around the world, so it’s easy to get caught up in things that have nothing to do with us or our lives and will never impact us.
Our lives may be fantastic, yet we’re stressed out about something going on thousands of miles away that will never really impact us.
Our friends and families may be perfectly fine, but we’re worried and anxious about something that’s going on near them but will never touch them.
We may have total harmony in our relationship, but the news of yet another celebrity cheating and breaking up has us worried about the stability of our own.
We may be in perfect health, but the news of yet another death of someone before their time has us fearing health issues.
We may live in safety and security, yet the story of yet another crime makes us wonder “what type of world we live in” and embeds irrational fears into our psyche.
The fact is we live in a world that contains the potential for every variety of experience. So many lives, so many potentials. So many experiences, both wanted and unwanted.
Yet, the most attention-grabbing experiences tend to be the most negative, worrying, fear-inducing, and outrageous.
If we allow our attention to divert to anything and everything that tries to grab it, with no conscious filtering, our inner peace will be the first sacrifice.
Read that again!
What is more valuable than your inner peace? What is more valuable than your tranquility? Your serenity?
When you allow the information age to penetrate your inner sanctuary at will, you’re saying that all of these headlines, stories, rumors, gossip, and fear-mongering are more important than your inner peace.
You’re putting “being informed” ahead of “being at peace.”
However, in reality, you are not just informed. You are inundated.
You’re not inundated because the big bad evil media has tied you to a chair and is force-feeding you negativity and useless crap. You’re not inundated because “that’s just the way things are now” and there’s nothing you can do about it.
You’re inundated because you’re allowing all of this into your consciousness.
No one’s forcing you to turn on the TV, scroll down social media, follow the accounts you follow, watch the videos you watch, or click on the headlines you click on, which in turn tells the algorithms to send you more of that content.
With every second of your attention, tap of the finger, or click, you’re telling modern media what you want to see, hear, and read more of.
The question is, do you actually want to see, hear, and read more of this stuff?
Or are you unconsciously tapping on whatever has the strongest emotional pull, regardless of the type of effect it has on your psyche and emotional state?
Inner peace in the modern era does not require you to play the part of the aspiring sage, throw away all worldly possessions, and meditate in a Himalayan cave until you achieve serenity.
No, you can begin right now from wherever you are. Here’s how:
Audit your content consumption and eliminate anything that puts you in a negative state of being.
This could be any of the following:
- Accounts you follow on social media.
- People in your network who consistently post negative or outrageous things.
- Channels you subscribe to on YouTube.
- The blogs you read.
- The types of news you consume.
- Streamers you watch.
- The books you read or listen to.
- The podcasts you listen to.
- The email lists you subscribe to.
- The shows and movies you watch.
- The live events you watch.
If it puts you into a negative state of being and disrupts your inner peace, even temporarily, it’s up to you to decide whether or not it’s worth it. If it isn’t, eliminate it from your consciousness by choosing not to consume it anymore.
My main point is this:
Be selective of the types of information you allow to enter your mind.
Don’t let anything and everything in without a filter! Keep a huge, scary bouncer at the door of your mind who says, “This is allowed in and this isn’t.”
You don’t need to be “informed” about everything. You just need to be aware of the things that are relevant to you.
The rest is way more likely to negatively impact your consciousness than it is to empower you.
People are addicted to the rush they get from consuming content that has a strong emotional charge, whether or not the emotional reaction it induces is healthy and harmonious.
You cannot master your emotional state while being a slave to the most “engaging” content. You have to be able to see a headline and determine beforehand whether or not it’s going to benefit you to consume it.
If it’s not (which I guarantee most of the content most people consume isn’t), you need to be able to resist tapping it! Or put the phone down and do something else!
You’re not a slave to the algorithms. You tell them what you want to see more of with every tap or click.
For many people, I know this is easier said than done, but one of the fundamental truths of life is that most of the things that are good for us are easier said than done. They’re worth it nonetheless.
Cleaning up your content consumption can immediately improve your emotional state.
Simply being less aware of negative or useless crap will help you notice more of the good in the world and in your life.
Life is much better than the headlines make it out to be. Once you divert your attention away from fear-mongering and start consciously keeping an eye out for the good in the world, more of it will reveal itself to you.
You will feel better, and as you feel better, things will get better for you.
You will experience more inner peace, and you will feel a sense of empowerment as you take more control over your consciousness and your life experience.
All Ships Rise With The Tide (As You Rise Up, So Will Others)
To finish this piece off, I want to leave you with this sentiment:
When you lift yourself up, you lift the world up.
Your life creates ripple effects throughout time and space.
I don’t care who you are or where you live. I don’t care if you feel like the least important person on the planet.
I don’t care if you feel like you have no worth and could never impact the world in the way I’m suggesting.
Because, either way, you do. All eight billion of us do.
All ships rise with the tide. As you rise up, so will others – both directly and indirectly.
There’s nothing selfish about self-improvement.
Keep working on yourself. Keep striving to be the best version of yourself you can be.
And you will change the world, one no-BS improvement at a time.