I was born on a Monday morning, so it makes sense that one of my primary purposes in life is to help …
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Find Your Purpose, Follow Your Passion, Achieve Your Dreams
Download my free guide and worksheet, 10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose, and start discovering your purpose in life:
Michael Karp
I was born on a Monday morning, so it makes sense that one of my primary purposes in life is to help …
Continue Reading about How to Heal Your Relationship With Work
Michael Karp
Aren't you tired of all the BS out there? We're inundated with information that either doesn't …
Continue Reading about The No BS Guide to Improving Your Life
Michael Karp
Where do your thoughts come from? Why do you think the way you do? Can you change your thoughts? …
Continue Reading about The Tree of Thought: A Theory of Thinking Habits and How to Change Them
Michael Karp
It feels like forever since my personal development journey began as an insecure, socially anxious …
Michael Karp
Happiness isn't something you just stumble upon. It's something you create consciously as you …
Continue Reading about 101 Short, Simple, and Practical Tips for More Happiness
Michael Karp
Questions are spiritual keys that can unlock your inner doors and reveal the answers hidden within …
Continue Reading about 111 Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
"A balanced heart could be the most powerful force for creating harmony in our lives and in the world." Michael Karp
I listen often to your podcast, I am from Algiers Algeria, and I did all exercises you recommended and thankfully everything you said helped me to find all aspects of my purpose.
Before we set my goal, I did not know what was going to happen. It was a big question mark. I never had a coach before. I accomplished it in three weeks, and now I feel fulfilled and filled with happiness. In my opinion, you are like a helping hand that I took to lead me and guide me on this path.
I can say confidently that I have much more clarity about the things I want in life now more than ever. So shout out to Mike! You’ve been instrumental in this process and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I really think [Michael] helped me by gauging what was in my heart, what was in my spirit – asking me those right questions and opening those doors. When before, out of fear and out of my busy day-to-day life, I just threw those things to the backburner.
Yes! Love yourself first, in doing so you will learn to love others and make them happy. Grateful for your thoughts, @karpfucius. Continue to spread light and inspiration.
I have much more clarity than I had before reading your book. And I really appreciate you for that. I don’t know which word to say in order to express how thankful I am.
I came across Michael’s School of Purpose shortly after I finished University, and I was lost. I was very, very lost. I could never really figure out anything I wanted to do. I couldn’t find my purpose.
Since I’ve been working with Michael, Michael has profoundly shaped the way I perceive life. Michael and his School of Purpose has not only helped me figure out what I want to do, but he also helped me figure out what my purpose in this life was.
I wouldn’t have been able to figure this out without Michael. And thanks to him, I’ve been able to find work that truly feels meaningful and purposeful.
I’ve been able to find my ikigai, teaching exactly what I want to teach, in exactly the way I’d like to teach it, to people who do actually appreciate and admire what I’m teaching.
I truly appreciate Michael for all he has done for me. He has not only helped me figure out what to do, but he has also helped me to figure out a step by step process to building that dream business and help me make it become a reality.
Mike has played a monumental role in helping me transition into a more fulfilled, motivated, and happier life. Like many people, I had reached a point in my life where it felt like the weight on my shoulders was holding me down and I was simply spinning around without any direction or purpose.
Mike’s program consists of well-structured professional research, guidance, and self-implementation that changed my mental state into a more positive one and helped me start taking targeted action towards reaching my newly identified goals.
My name is Phil Lam and I’m the founder of Outwork Kindness. Michael is one of the kindest, most caring people I’ve met. He is deeply passionate about helping people achieve their life purpose.
He has an in-depth knowledge of the mind and people, and he has a wonderful array of tools to help you get to where you need to go. I am truly grateful to meet such an amazing coach and I am well on my way to achieving my dreams.
He helped me write down goals, set goals that were achievable, but also encouraged me to actually get the goals done. And he made me accountable. He was always really nice. Always really friendly. And very understanding. And I think without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would recommend you in a heartbeat.