We all want the same thing:
To be happy.
We search for years, sometimes a lifetime, looking for what will finally make us feel this way.
But the funny thing is…
Each of us were born with the only thing we need to be happy.
We were born with the key to unlock every door that will lead us to the things we really want in life — the things that will make us feel like a kid again and give us the sense of freedom we long for.
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The Power Most Of Us Neglect
Our hearts are incredibly powerful.
They know everything we desire, everything that sets our souls on fire, and everything that could ever make us happy in life.
Unfortunately, most of us don’t use this power. We neglect it until we’re lying on our deathbeds, filled with regret for not having done the things we really wanted to do in life.
Maybe you’ve been thinking about doing something. Maybe you’ve been thinking about taking the leap and doing something your heart knows will make you happy.
Maybe you’re wondering, “Even if I decided to do something else, what would I do? I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Too many people search outside themselves for the answers when the answers lie within each of them. Once you peel back the layers and learn how to open your heart again, those answers will be revealed to you in magnificent ways.
From The Familiar To The Unfamiliar
Making changes in life can be scary. You’re going from the familiar to the unfamiliar.
We are creatures of habit, and most of us are in the habit of staying in the status quo and trying to keep things the way they have always been.
This is wasted energy. The nature of life is change.
Plants and animals grow and change over time. Our planet cycles through its seasons. And we, as humans, change in many ways throughout our lives — whether we direct that change ourselves or allow outside forces to do it for us.
Change can either be positive or negative. Most people allow too many negative changes to enter their lives. They don’t understand the power they have to make positive changes and direct their lives in meaningful ways.
The answers to those positive changes lie within them. If they listen to their hearts and follow them, magnificent, dream-like, and almost surreal events could result in their lives.
Your heart has an immense and incredible power to guide you toward the happiness you so deeply long for.
Desires Waiting To Be Awakened
Your deepest desires rest within your heart. They are only waiting to be awakened by you and brought to life.
You’ve probably felt this before — the twinkle in your gut when you have a new experience, the spark of excitement that makes you feel like a kid again, the feeling of longing when you see something or someone who draws you in like a magnet.
This is a signal from something so powerful and wonderful we often struggle to describe it, but we know it when we feel it. We may push the feeling away a second later, but it is there.
It is present within us. We may have placed layers of hopelessness, doubt, worry, and fear over it as the years went by, but it is still communicating with us.
A Light Of Hope
This force within each of us provides a light of hope that life can get better.
In fact, it can be absolutely incredible.
We can experience the things we want to experience. We can feel the way we know we were meant to feel. We can live the way we know we were meant to live.
We are worthy. We do deserve better. We are enough.
That light is within you. The power of your heart can guide you to the happiness you seek.
Open it up again and allow it to carry you on a magnificent journey into the incredible life that awaits you.